
Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Silly Boys

The other day I decided to be nice and make muffins for breakfast. I made orange muffins with chocolate chips in them. I thought the orange needed to be stronger. Apparently Zane liked them.

This morning JR got Nat out of his crib, as I was already downstairs when he woke up. Nat has this thing where if he's playing and finds a pacifier, he will spit out the one in his mouth in order to have the new one he found. He's changed his MO. Now he just uses them both at the same time.

 My boys are silly. I'm going to claim they get it from their father. It's not like he makes that hard to believe.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Nat do you think you can fit three in there? :) The muffins sound YUMMY :)
